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Donald Tarnasky
Posted on the 2021-06-29 at 20:00
Class of 1972 until Sophomore year.

Very happy to recieve the invitation to the class reunion but unfortunately cannot attend this year. I would attend but have another trip to Iowa in a couple weeks to participate in RAGBAI.  I registered last year and it was postponed until this summer.  This is my first attempt and will welcome seeing other classmates that may be participating or cheering the RAGBRAI group.  .   
Kathy Boer
Posted on the 2021-06-29 at 20:00
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the meeting this year. I had a bad fall after hip replacement surgery and am not able to travel. wishing everyone a good time.
Duane B. Heeren, Class of 1949
Posted on the 2021-06-20 at 20:00
Hello fellow Orabs! I was so looking forward to the reunion in 2020, and hoping to see a few classmates, but then the pandemic hit. Now I have to miss the "reset" to 2021, due to a stroke I suffered in late March. My wife Elene and I are still living in our home at Huxley. But I am currently at a skilled nursing rehabilitation facility in Ankeny, working to regain use of my left side. Pretty tough learning to walk again at 91...seemed easier when I was a toddler. Anyway, I would love to hear from anyone from the class of '49, or earlier or later years, who might remember who I am...and then I will try to remember who you are! Best wishes to all! My email address is Duane B. Heeren, formerly of Matlock  (with help from my son Lance)
James Ferguson
Posted on the 2021-05-23 at 20:00
I am glad there is a chance for the all cloass reunions to continue.  Great job Janice and Karen!  Unfortunately Phyllis and I will not be able to attend.  We will plan for the 2030 reunion!
Barry VanderWiel
Posted on the 2021-04-21 at 20:00
Hello Everyone, I am trying to make it back to Sheldon for the All School Reunion with my daughter. Looking forward to seeing as many classmates as possible. My number is 858 750 5970. I am living in San Diego, California. Please feel free to call me anytime.  
Jewel Madsen
Posted on the 2021-03-22 at 20:00
I am very happy the All School Reunion will continue this year!  Thanks for all your hard work planning this busy event!!  I hope you have a great turn-out too! Spread the word former Sheldon Orabs!
Karen Rider
Posted on the 2021-03-06 at 19:00
Hi:  Please feel free to contact Janice or myself with any questions you may have re:  the reunion.

Look forward to seeing everyone in July.

Martha Vander Berg
Posted on the 2021-03-02 at 19:00
Hello class of 1971!  I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion this summer.
Merwyn \Mert\ Scholten
Posted on the 2021-02-15 at 19:00
Hello Janice, Mert Scholten here from Westerville, OH (NE Columbus suburb).  Juat got the card and trying to make some kind of contact.   Hope to make it next summer if at all possible.  I've been able to track a fair share of classmatesl over the years and record notes in my '58 yearbook. I can still recall alphabetically all the female members of the class and most of the guys although not in name order.  Have also been able to track the passing of many of them via Sheldon obits on KIWA radio and limited access to the Mail from time to time. Ironically, as I was sorting through some old things in a file this afternoon I ran across your sister Judy's obit which my brother had sent to me from the days when he still subscribed to the Sheldon Mail (where we both had worked while in high school.) Incidentally, I tried the web address you had on the card for the history of the reunions and got a "404" message indicating an improper or unknown address.  Can you clarify for me as to the correctness of the address?  I would love to read the account. Please add me to the Class of 58 list.  I would love to hear from fellow classmates. Thanks, Mert Scholten
Roger Brewster
Posted on the 2020-05-19 at 20:00
Raymond Vander Burg
Posted on the 2020-05-19 at 20:00
Hello class of '59.
Kate Ryen
Posted on the 2020-04-22 at 20:00
excited for the reunion
Spike gross. Marlene
Posted on the 2020-04-15 at 20:00
Hope to see many 57 classmates and all Orabs.
Karen Koerselman Rider
Posted on the 2020-03-15 at 20:00
It's great to see some of you saying hello.  Look forward to see everyone in July.
Donna Perry Schubkegel
Posted on the 2020-03-11 at 20:00
I look forward to connecting with friends again. Thank you for continuing to plan great events.
Rich Bangert
Posted on the 2020-02-02 at 19:00
My thanks and  appreciation to the organizers of this reunion,

Rich Bangert
Cari Griggs McPartland \85
Posted on the 2020-02-01 at 19:00
A HUGE thank you to our organizers who have been at this for well over a year.
Jim De Kruif
Posted on the 2020-01-31 at 19:00
Hey, Class of 77 I hope to see many of you! I will be our class host and I am currently looking for a place to hold our class gathering! I am so excited to see each and everyone of you! Thank you Karen and Janice, this is too grand of a tradition to let slip away! Go Orabs!
Janice Warm
Posted on the 2020-01-14 at 19:00
I put this post up on FB this morning in reply to one by Shirley, and then decided the same message should be available on our Website.  My husband and I have not lived in Sheldon since 1962, but we have only missed one every five year all-school reunion since they started in the early 60's. So with all our friends and acquaintances who also attend these reunions, we see each other keep growing older by 5 years, and still we sometimes don't recognize each other. Makes absolutely no difference because when we "discover" each other once again we just have the best time together. I say this to you, and to all those others who wonder if they would be remembered at all, all it takes is one person to remember you and then the word spreads like wildfire and everyone you knew will be looking for you. These reunions are not a time for talking about who we are now but a time for remembering all those growing-up years together. If you are able to attend this 2020 Reunion, Shirley, please make yourself known to Karen Rider and me, Janice Warm. Janice Warm
Sherris (Pierce) Brown
Posted on the 2020-01-10 at 19:00
Thanks for all the work you've done for the reunion.  I do intend to be there.  Hope the class of '54 shows up ready to relive great memories.  Looking forward to a great time!
Pamela Blake Mears
Posted on the 2020-01-09 at 19:00
Hi everyone, I do hope I can make it to the reunion, depends on some family health issues, but will certainly try. So enjoyed our 50th reunion! And thank you Jane Pierce Rowland for adding your comments, I went to the site earlier and couldn't quite figure it out, so your directions helped a lot. Look forward to hearing from more of our class.
Jane (Pierce) Rowland
Posted on the 2020-01-07 at 19:00
What a great way to get people involved.  Your app is easy to use... so now Class of 1966 let's get your information added so that I am not the only one in the classmate section for our class!
Janice Koepp Warm
Posted on the 2019-12-28 at 19:00
Hello to all and Welcome to the Sheldon Orabs 2020 Reunion Website.  Many thanks to Karen for making it happen.  In the future months we plan to dribble out details of our Reunion planning.  We hope you keep checking into the Website to find out what we are up to at the time. For all you prior Reunion-Goers I can tell you this:  we researched hard and long at the Reunion details we could find going back as far as we could find documentation.  And GUESS WHAT?!  We discovered what we already knew...we attend these reunions to see all those folks we know, and to meet those we haven't met before, and together we Talk, and Talk, and Talk! Events have always been planned to provide a forum for getting together to talk (and eat in some cases.)   So... We get it!  We're with you!  We are planning for the same 'ol (with maybe a couple of new twists)! And for those Alums who have never joined in our All-School Reunions, we hope you will join us at least this one time.  You just might find out that you want to attend again next time.  Janice Koepp Warm
Karen Koerselman Rider
Posted on the 2019-12-28 at 19:00
Welcome to 2020 Orabs All School Reunion.